How you can Control your HIGH BLOOD SUGAR

How To Control High Blood Sugar :

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  High blood sugar(also known as hyperglysemia) is one of the most common health problem after 40s.But fortunately you can manage it with proper diet and exercise.There are many types of diabetes.But the most common are type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
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Diet and lack of exercise are the main causes of diabetes.

To control blood sugar you have to follow these steps -

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Image source:Google

1.You have to cut down every forms of sugar like sweets,canned juices,soda etc. 

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Image source:Google

2.You have to reduce your carb intake.The only carbs you should eat are vegetables.

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3.Fibre intake can help you to lower your blood sugar,cause it slows carb digestion and absorbs sugar.

            You can also follow keto diet(low carb,high fat diet).This has been proven to bring down blood sugar in a few months.

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Image source:Google

4. Stay hydrated.Drink atleast 3 litres of water in a day.Drinking plenty of water keeps the kidneys flushed so they don’t accumulate excess sugar and it also rehydrates the blood.

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Image source:Google
5.Exercise is most important after diet.Walk for atleast 45 mins in the morning.Also you have to do regular health checkup.         You can also consult your doctor and take prescribed medications.

 If you follow all these things then you will surely control your blood sugar level.

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How you can Control your HIGH BLOOD SUGAR How you can Control  your HIGH BLOOD SUGAR Reviewed by Dr Devil on August 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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