How to boost your IMMUNITY - in this Pandemic

How to boost your immunity:-

In this covid-19 situation,we need to take every precautions for staying away from this deadly virus.We need to wear masks,wash hands and there are plenty of such rules.Ofcourse we have to follow these rules but apart from these,we have to strengthen our immune system which fights directly with every micro organisms that enter our body.
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So now we'll talk about how can we boost our immunity.

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Foods:  There are many foods that help to strengthen our immune system.We will discuss in short so that you do not get confused.

Garlic - Garlic which contains allicin, is well known for its ability to boost immunity.It is adviced to take one or half raw garlic clove daily.If you can not eat raw garlic then just roast it.

Turmeric - Turmeric has been used as anti-inflammatory for years.It contains curcumin which acts as immunity booster.

Citrus fruits - Vitamin C is most important for boosting immunity.Lack of vitamin C can make you sick.Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells.Citrus fruits such as lemon,lime,orange have plenty of vitamin C.

There are many other foods that increase our immune system such as spinach,broccoli,ginger,yoghurt,kiwi,green tea,almond etc.

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Vitamin D & E: Vitamin D and vitamin E plays a key role in improving our immune system.When our skin is exposed to sunlight,it makes vitamin D from cholesterol.Foods such as nuts,spinach,seeds are rich in vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant.

Lifestyle: You can boost your immunity by some lifestyle modifications.

Exercise - Exercise is necessary.Our body functions better if we are physically active.30 mins exercise is recommended in a day which should include cardio and strength training.

Sleep - Our body needs rest also.Seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night is very necessary to strengthen our immune system.

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Meditation - Meditation helps us to reduce our blood pressure and heart rate.It also reduces anxiety.You can also do yoga.These will also help you to sleep.

Above all, a positive mindset is necessary for a healthy body.It reduces stress ans makes you least susceptible to diseases.
Start your day with a positive attitude.Stay away from processed foods.Drink plenty of water,Stay hydrated.

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How to boost your IMMUNITY - in this Pandemic How to boost your IMMUNITY - in this Pandemic Reviewed by Dr Devil on June 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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